How Do I Know What Diamond Shape To Pick for an Engagement Ring?

Congratulations, you are ready to make the most important commitment of your life, marriage! You found the woman of your dreams, but how do you find the diamond engagement ring of her dreams? If you are looking to surprise your future fiancé, but have no idea what type of engagement ring she would like, here is some advice on how to figure out her style, without letting her know what you are up to.
1) Research. If you are a novice at buying diamond jewelry, start doing your research now. Understand the different types of diamond shapes and be comfortable enough to see a diamond and know its shape. A good resource to use is This diamond price comparison site provides a useful tutorial on the 4 “Cs” of diamonds, shape, clarity, carat, and color. It’s also a great resource to find the best price once you narrow down what type of diamond you would like to purchase.
2) Pay Attention. You probably never paid close to the jewelry that your future fiancé wears, but now is the time. Does she wear more silver/white gold jewelry or gold jewelry? Does she have a diamond or faux diamond ring in any particular shape? Her current taste in jewelry will provide you with useful clues as to what her style is. If she doesn’t have a diamond or faux diamond ring, take her window-shopping and nonchalantly pass a jewelry store. Pay attention to what she is drawn to either from the window display or browsing inside the store and take note!
3) Listen. Has a friend of your future fiancé’s recently gotten engaged? When she sees their ring for the first time, listen to what she says about it. She may tell you in confidence that she thought the ring was pretty, but not her style or that she loved the ring and is something she could see herself wearing. It is rare that a woman sees a friend’s engagement ring and doesn’t have an opinion about it – use this to your advantage!
4) Ask. Call up your future fiancé’s mother, sister, or best friend and see if one of them can point you in the right direction. Chances are at some point in time she talked to them about what her dream engagement ring would be. Just make sure whoever you choose to seek advice from is able to keep a secret!
5) Relax. Choosing a perfect engagement ring can be a stressful process, and it is important that you take a deep breath and relax. Honestly, if you put a concerted effort into finding a ring, your final choice will reflect it.
That is why you need to go to Atwood Jewelers. No matter what, your future fiancé will know the ring comes from a place of love and will appreciate all the effort you put towards finding the right ring for her. This is a case that the thought behind what you are doing really counts, and she will especially appreciate it when you tell her how much research you put into finding her a ring.